Seed Programming

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Scratch for Beginners - Summer 2024

Live: Online

Rs 10,000/- PKR

Course Completed

About Course

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to Scratch, a visual programming language designed for beginners to learn programming concepts through creative and interactive projects. Over the course of four weeks, students will progress from basic concepts like sprite movement and pen drawing to building classic games like Space Shooter, Frog Game, Brick Breaker, Flappy Bird, and PacMan. Each week will focus on hands-on activities and projects to reinforce learning and understanding.

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to Scratch, a visual programming language designed for beginners to learn programming concepts through creative and interactive projects. Over the course of four weeks, students will progress from basic concepts like sprite movement and pen drawing to building classic games like Space Shooter, Frog Game, Brick Breaker, Flappy Bird, and PacMan. Each week will focus on handson activities and projects to reinforce learning and understanding.


Week 1: Introduction to Scratch


  •  Installation of Scratch and Interface Overview
  •  Understanding Sprite Movement, Coordinates, and Angles
  •  Introduction to Pen Functionality and Drawing Basic Shapes
  •  Exploring Loops and Basic Control Structures


Week 2: Building Basic Games


  •  Implementing Basic Movement and Event Handling
  •  Creating Simple Games like Frog Game and Space Shooter (Part 1)
  •  Introduction to Variables and Scoring Systems


Week 3: Advanced Game Development


  •  Building Bricks Breaking and Flappy Bird Games
  •  Understanding Game Mechanics and Implementing Features
  •  Introduction to Game Design Principles


Week 4: Completing Game Projects


  •  Continuing Development of Pac Man and Space Shooter
  •  Finalizing Game Projects with Additional Features
  •  Showcasing Completed Projects and Reviewing Key Concepts



  •  Understanding fundamental programming concepts through Scratch
  •  Developing problemsolving skills through game development projects
  •  Gaining confidence in using programming logic to create interactive experiences
  •  Building a portfolio of interactive games and animations
  •  Preparing for further exploration in computer science and game development.

What will You Learn?

  • Scratch installation and navigation.

  • Sprite movement and pen drawing basics.

  • Simple game creation like Frog Game and Space Shooter.

  • Introduction to variables and scoring systems.

  • Advanced game development with projects like Bricks Breaking and Flappy Bird.

  • Continued development of games like Pac Man and Space Shooter.

  • Finalizing projects with additional features.

  • Introduction to game design principles.

  • Problemsolving skills through handson projects.

  • Showcasing completed games and receiving feedback.

June'24-July'24 Batch Reviews and Certifications 🌟

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What we have delivered

Lecture 01 - Introduction to Scratch

  • Movement
  • Angles and turns
  • Pattern printings
  • Rectangle drawing
  • Spinning Rectangular drawing
  • Triangle drawing
  • Spinning Triangle Drawing
  • Several shapes with multiples of 360
  • Several shapes with NOT multiples of 360
  • Playing with colors by using change color command
  • Variables and spirals printing and drawing of several shape

Tutorial 01 - Discussion on Assignment # 1

  • Basics of angles
  • Difference between forever and repeat block 
  • Pen control 
  • Wait command 
  • Simultaneous execution of different pieces of codes
  • Color wheel and gradual color shift

Lecture 02 - Variables, Coordinates, Spinning Effect, Animations

  • Assignment 1 revision   
  • Discussion on axis and coordinates
  • Circle Printing using different shapes 
  • Square / Triangle / Star / Line 
  • Spinning spiral printing 
  • Square/Triangular spiral
  • Several spirals with multiples of 60 and NOT multiples of 60
  • Use of If and touching mouse pointer blocks
  • Creating animations by changing looks 
  • Importance of forever block in animations
  • Size increase and decrease
  • Color changing / Whirl / Fisheye / Ghost

Tutorial 02 - Discussion on Assignment # 2

  • Assignment 2 revision

  • Making circles using squares and triangles

  • Detailed discussion on variable

  • Change variable block

  • Difference between repeat and repeat until block 

  • Touching edge block

  • Spinning spirals

Lecture 03 - Making Our First Platformer Shooter Game

  • Identifying sprites
  •  Making your own sprite using a drawing widget
  • Player Control using mouse
  • Bullet Control on mouse click
  • Repeat Until explained in details
  • Coordinate axis and how they change horizontally/vertically
  • Enemy Spawning
  • Why randomness is important in games
  • Why challenges always nurture curiosity and creativity
  • 4 sides spawning
  • or and random statement
  • Level 2: Changing x, y using arrow keys

Tutorial 03 - Discussion on Assignment # 3

  • Revision of shooter game
  • Detailed explanation of horizontal and vertical axis
  • Enemy spawning from all four borders
  • Importance of randomness
  • Show/hide commands
  • Drawing sprites
  • Sprite movement using arrow keys

Lecture 04 - Shooter Game (Part 2)

  • Clones of bullets 
  • Clone deletion 
  • Clones of enemies 
  • Score Counting 
  • Bugs in score Counting 
  • Levels of enemy cloning(Enemies clone faster after every 5 score)
  • Enemies chasing the player
  • Better sprite design
  • Bullet sounds

Lecture 05 - Shooter Game (Part 3)

  • Game over backdrop changing 
  • Broadcast message block
  • Health sprite design
  • Health system
  • Shooter explosion 
  • Heart as energy

Lecture 06 - Shooter Game (Part 4)

  • Revision of Assignment 3
  • Sides randomness in enemy spawning
  • Spawning new enemy(Level 2) 
  • Level 2 message display 
  • Discussion on different bugs faced by students

Lecture 07 - Shooter Game (Part 5)

  • My block Random enemy spawning using my block
  • Sides randomness in enemy spawning
  • Level 2 message display
  • Enemy 2 spawning
  • Enemy 2 bullets

Lecture 08 - Shooter Game (Part 6)

  • Shooter Game Project Discussion
  • Downloading and adding own sprite
  • Moving background
  • Fixing bugs in moving background
  • Level 3
  • Spawning BOSS enemy on level 3
  • Health system for BOSS
  • Bombing
  • BOSS laser beam
  • BOSS teleporting 

Lecture 08 - Dyno Run Project Discussion

  • Dyno Sprite
  • Adding hurdles
  • Jumping of dyno to avoid hurdles
  • Adding background which moves horizontally
  • Score count

Tutorial 04 - Discussion on Projects

  • Discussion on projects
  • Downloading and adding own sprite
  • Discussion on moving background
  • Health system
  • Fixing different bugs 


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