Seed Programming

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Python For Children - Summer 2024

Live: Online

Rs 10,000/- PKR per Month

About Course

This summer camp is designed to introduce students to the world of programming through two popular languages: Scratch and Python. Over the course of two months, students will learn the fundamentals of programming concepts such as loops, variables, conditionals, and functions while transitioning from Scratch to Python. By the end of the camp, students will have the skills to create animations, games, and solve basic programming problems.

Week 1: Scratch Fundamentals

  •  Introduction to Scratch: Installation and interface overview
  •  Sprite Movement, Coordinate Axis, and Angles
  •  Advanced Scratch: Pen tool, Loops, and Variables
  •  Assignment: Scratch Letter Animation, Flowers pattern animations

Week 2: Introduction to Python

  •  Basics of Python: Print, Variables, and Data Types
  •  Python Loops and Input: while, for loops, Taking user input
  •  Assignment: Printing, Variables, Variable, Loops, Nested Loops

Week 3: Intermediate Python

  •  Advanced Loops and Conditions: Nested loops, Ifelse statements
  •  Building Applications with Functions: Age Calculator
  •  Assignment: IfElse Statements, Functions, Conditionals, Age Calculator

Week 4: Scratch Game Development

  •  Introduction to Scratch Games: Building a Maze Game
  •  Maze Runner II: Continuation of Maze Game development
  •  Assignment: Maze Game, Maze Runner II

Week 5: Advanced Python

  •  Advanced Python Concepts: Ifelse, ifelif statements, Lists
  •  Assignment: Lists

Week 6: Game Development in Scratch

  •  Space Invader Project: Ship Movement, Bullet, Cloning
  •  Collaborative Game Development: Let’s Help Each Other session
  •  Assignment: Space Invader Project

Week 7: Advanced Scratch Game Development

  •  Space Invader III: Continuation of Space Invader development
  •  Final Scratch Project Evaluation

Week 8: Python Data Structures

  •  Working with Strings and Arrays
  •  Assignment: Strings and Arrays

Week 9: Conclusion

  •  Wrapup and Final Session
  •  Assignment: Course Reflection and Feedback
  •  Certificate distribution and Celebration

This course provides a comprehensive journey from Scratch to Python, equipping students with essential programming skills and encouraging creativity through projectbased learning.

This summer camp is designed to introduce students to the world of programming through two popular languages: Scratch and Python. Over the course of two months, students will learn the fundamentals of programming concepts such as loops, variables, conditionals, and functions while transitioning from Scratch to Python. By the end of the camp, students will have the skills to create animations, games, and solve basic programming problems.

What Will You Learn?

  • Basics of Scratch programming.
  • How to use Python to print patterns and shapes.
  • Debugging techniques in Python.
  • How to write functions in Python.
  • Recursion and fractals.
  • How to create a Space Invader game in Scratch.
  • How to simplify code and reuse modules.
  • How to build an age calculator project.
  • Working with lists and dictionaries in Python.
  • Sorting techniques.
  • How to create a Game of Life and Gomoku project.
  • Divide and conquer problem-solving techniques.
  • How to break down a program into smaller modules or functions.
  • Unit finding and integration processes.

What we are Delivering...

Lecture-01 Pattern Printing in Scratch and Connecting it with Loops of Python

  • Movement
  • Angles and turns
  • Using Turtle Graphics
  • Pattern printings
  • Shapes drawing
  • Spinning Shapes Drawing
  • Several shapes with multiples of 360
  • Several shapes with NOT multiples of 360
  • Playing with colors by using change color command
  • Variables and spirals printing and drawing of several shape
  • Print statement in Python
  • Introducing formatted strings
  • Introducing the while loop 

Tutorial 01 - Discussion on Assignment # 1

  • Basics of angles
  • Difference between forever and repeat block 
  • Pen Control 
  • Wait Command 
  • Simultaneous execution of different pieces of codes
  • Color Wheel and gradual color shift
  • Printing Formatted strings
  • Shapes Printing with the help of while loop
  • Series Printing with one variable

Lecture-02 Pattern Printing II + Loop + Shapes Printing in Python + Turtle Graphics

  • Scratch: Pattern Printing II
  • Python: Loop 
    •  Shape Printing in Python
      •  Right Angle Triangle 
      •  Right Angle Triangle (Upside down)
      •  Pyramid 
    • HW Discussion: Ulta Pyramid
    •  Turtle Graphics (Making several shapes) in Python

Tutorial 02 - Discussion on Assignment # 2

  • Scratch
    • 3D shapes Printing
    •  Symmetry between different shapes
    • Exploring different patterns with the angles 
  • Python
    • Table Printing with the help of while loop
    • Series Printing with multiple variables
    • Shapes Printing by finding pattern
    • Scratch to Python
    • 3D shapes in Python by using Turtle Graphics
    • Spinning Spirals  

Lecture-03 Making our two levels of platformer shooter game

Level 1

  • Identifying sprites
  •  Making your own sprite using drawing widget

 Player Control using mouse

  •  Bullet Control on mouse click
    •  Repeat Until explained in details
    •  Cloning and why it is needed
    •  When I start as a clone instruction/Clone of myself/sprite
    •  Clonning without deletion may cause memory overflow
  • Coordinate axis and how they change horizontally/Vertically
  • Enemy Spawning 
    •  Why randomness is important in games
    • Why challenges always nurture curiosity and creativity
    • 4 sides spawning
    • or and random statement 
    • Cloning
    • Clone deletion
    • Cloning with Randomness
  •  Game Over
  • Introduction to Broadcasting
  • Backdrop changing

Level 2: 

    • Changing x, y using arrow keys/a, w, s, d

Tutorial 03 - Discussion on Assignment # 1,2 and 3

  • Scratch
    • Customizing the sprite
    • Adding multiple costumes
    • Switching costumes
    • Recording and adding sound blocks
  • Python
    • Removing syntax and logical errors of students
    • Appreciating the work of students

Lecture-04 Control Structures and Functions in Python

  • Currency conversion
    • Using conditional statements (if-else)
  • Swapping values
    • Using extra variable
  • Max of 5 numbers
    • Using if only (4+4+4+4+4 conditions)
    • if else  (4+3+2+1+0 conditions)
    • using maintaining a max
    • using while loop 
  • Sum of K numbers
    • using while and for loop
  • Printing each letter of “Hello world” second by second.
    • Making wait function
  • Digital Clock
    • Using wait function
    • sleep function of time library
  • Making Menu based Program

Tutorial 04 - Discussion on Assignment # 1,2 and 3

  • Scratch
    • Customizing the sprite
    • Adding multiple costumes
    • Switching costumes
    • Recording and adding sound blocks
  • Python
    • Removing syntax and logical errors of students
    • Appreciating the work of students

Lecture-05 Discussion on Assignment # 04

  • Python
    • Use of conditional statements (if, else, elif)
    • Use of for loop
    • Power of function
      •  Grade Calculator function by using conditional statements
      • Revisit on currency conversion  and max finder functions
      • Making our own wait function
    • Tips on debugging of program

Lecture-06 Series rectangles and triangles printing

  • Patterns
    • Covered Regular Rectangle:
      • Prints a grid of sequential numbers.
    • Flipped Rectangle:
      • Prints a horizontally flipped grid of sequential numbers.
    •  Regular Triangle:
      • Prints numbers in a triangular shape.
    •  Flipped Triangle:
      • Prints numbers in a horizontally flipped triangular shape.
  • Implementation Overview
    • Utilizes nested loops and functions in Python.
    • Modular functions for each pattern type.
    • Easy customization for pattern size and orientation.
  • Menu-Based Program
    • Options: Print rectangles and triangles, or exit.
    • Looping Structure: Continuous display of options until exit.
    • Handling Indentation Errors: Use consistent indentation style (tabs recommended).

Lecture-07 Prime numbers, Perfect square and Square root

  • Python: 
    • Making Functions
      • Prime Numbers
      • Composite Numbers
      • Non-Prime & Non-Composite Numbers
      • Prime Factorization
      • Perfect Square
      • Integer Square-Root

Tutorial 05 Discussion on Assignment # 4,5 and 6

  • Python
    • Removing syntax and logical errors of students
    • How to create the menu based programs ?
    • Reviewing and evaluating the work of students

Lecture-08 Age Calculator and History of Calendar

  • Python:
    • How Subtraction works?
      • Why right to left or left to right both are wrong answers
      • Least Significant to Most Significant, and how it works
      • Legal Dates checking
      • Leap Year and History of Calendar
      • From Erotosthenese to Alberuni
      • Why Kalarkahar and Pind Dadan Khan are so importa
      • Why respecting ancestral knowledge is important? And why we must understand it to know our own history and identity
      • How numbers are compared?
      • How to subtract dates?
    • How UNIT of DaysINAMonth is identified? 
    • Simplification of isValidDate funtion(One liner) 
    • Coding of Age Calculation

Lecture-09 Max Second Max Finder and Introduction of list

  • Python:
    • Finding Min and Max of K Numbers
    • Method I: Problem with the first implementation where variables are initialized with zeros
    • Bug Fixing with assignment MAX and MIN values
    • Method II: Handling the first case differently, inside the loop.
    • Method III: Handling the first case outside the loop.
    • Finding Second Min/Max
      • Using Swapping how to maintain the Second Min/Max
    •  Implementation details of the loop
    • Discussing why, if the numbers and reporting of Maxs and Mins increase then the problem size increases exponentially?
    • Introducing List
      • The power of Base Address (Street Name) and Index
      • Why Indexing starts from 0 upto N-1
      • Taking N-Input from the User, where N is the list size

Lecture-10 Data Structure List in Python

  • Python
    • Introduction to list
    • Finding maximum, second maximum, third maximum etc.
    • Indexing and iteration in list
    • Negative indexing
    • Slicing in list
    • List manipulation
      • Addition
      • Multiplication
      • Replacing elements
      • Add at start
      • Add at ith index
      • Add at end (append(n))

Lecture-11 Set Calculator, Sorting and Binary Search

  • Python
    • Set Calculator
      • Union of Two sets
        • Making Search function 
      • Intersection of Two sets
      • Subtraction of sets
        • Making Subtract function
      • Complement of a Set
      • Cartesian Product
    •  Sorting algorithms
      • Selection Sort
      • Bubble Sort
    • Binary Search Discussion

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